
Thank you for considering volunteering at the Farmington Public Schools, we appreciate and value your interest in supporting our students, faculty and staff.

Please take a moment to review our Policy/ Administrative Regulation #1240 & 1240A: School Volunteers, Student Interns and Other Non- Employees. Please reach out to the school’s secretary directly if you are interested in becoming a volunteer and to begin the screening process. Depending on which volunteer classification you fall under (Group I or Group II), if you are not already on the district’s approved list, you will be asked to fill out two forms: Background Check and DCF Authorization Form.

Once the necessary forms are completed and approved, you will be added to the district’s approved list and will remain on this list for 5 years- after this we will ask for an updated background check.

Any questions can be directed to D’Ante Borawski, Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent at Central Office.

Državne škole u Farmingtonu kasne dva sata zbog lošeg vremena. Nema jutarnje predškole. Farmington EXCL otvorit će se na svojim standardnim lokacijama u 8 ujutro.