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One School
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One Us
One School
One Community
One Us
One School
One Community
One Us
One School
One Community
One Us
- Friday Folder – Farmington High School
- FHS Events Calendar
- FHS Profile
- Lunch Menus
- School Schedules
- Bell Schedule
- Parking Information
- Faculty & Staff Directory
- Other Resources
- Capstone and Aspire
- Career Center
- Fine and Applied Arts
- Music in Our Schools
- Library
- School Development Plan 2022-23
- NEASC Report
- Grading and Reporting
- Program of Studies
- Safe School Climate
- Tools for Schools
- School Counseling
- School Registration
- Student Activities
- Student Handbook
- Transcript Requests
- Transition Services
- FPD School Resource MOU
Farmington High School
Farmington High School, is a 4-year comprehensive high school with a reputation for academic excellence. Identified in Newsweek as one of the top high schools in the country and ranked #5 in the state of Connecticut in 2023, more than 90 percent of our graduates continue on to two- or four- year colleges and more than 78% of graduates take one or more Advanced Placement courses during high school. With an emphasis on preparing all students for post-secondary education, Farmington High School offers a wide variety of rigorous curricular and co-curricular opportunities, including exceptional athletics, music, and visual arts programs. Accredited through the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, students engage in a standards-based curriculum that defines what students are expected to know and be able to do at each grade level and in each course. Our standards, in alignment with our Vision of the Global citizen, prepare all students to be resourceful, inquiring, and contributing citizens in a rapidly changing world that demands critical thinking and problem solving.