FCP Summer Camp

Our preschoolers have had a great summer adapting to change with resiliency. Every week our students are engaging in new topics and activities. Our students have had the opportunity to work with a variety of students not only from their own schools but other schools in the district. Each personality of a student that enters our classroom allows them to take part in their decision-making and conflict-resolution process.

During center time the preschoolers are engaged collaborators. They work together to complete tasks and are flexible to take ideas from others. All of these hands-on experiences allow them to be a leader in their own learning.

We have had the pleasure to work with our community and walk over to the Barney Library to participate in library time with Mrs. Amy! We get families involved by coming in to be mystery readers in our classroom. During the hotter days of summer, you will see our students participating in water play activities and gym games to help develop gross motor skills. We will continue to expand on their learning abilities, self-help skills, and acceptance of themselves and others throughout the summer!

Farmington Public Schools are delayed two hours due to inclement weather. No morning preschool. Farmington EXCL will open at its standard locations at 8 am.