Mental Health & Social Emotional Learning

A key focus for all grade levels is social emotional well-being and community building. It is important that all students feel a strong belonging to the academic community. As a school district, we utilize the RULER approach for social emotional well-being. We also use CASEL resources, SEL interventions, restorative circles and other resources to support all students in the areas of social emotional learning and belonging. Managing Anxiety – RULER Approach
A graphic list of things to let go that I cannot control.

Resources for Students

Mental Health and Social Support Resources for FPS Families

National Suicide Prevention Hotline 1-800-273-TALK (8255) Call or text 988
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Connecticut Clearinghouse
Connecticut Suicide Advisory Board
Other Resources Preventing Youth Suicide Brief Facts (also available in Spanish) Preventing Youth Suicide: Tips or Parents and Educators
Connecticut Alliance to End Sexual Violence
Call or Text: 1-888-999-5545
Crisis Text Line for Youth in CrisisText Home to 741-741
Mobile Crisis Intervention ServicesCall 2-1-1
National Suicide Prevention Hotline1-800-273-TALK (8255)
SAMSHA Suicide and Crisis Lifeline988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline | SAMHSA
Call or Text 988
Trevor LifelineWe’re here for you Now – The Trevor Project
Text Start to 678-678
Call (866) 488 – 7386

Local Resources

Farmington Social Services (860) 675-2390
Hartford Behavioral Health (860) 548-0101
Wheeler Clinic (888) 793-3500

Las Escuelas Públicas de Farmington se retrasan dos horas debido a las inclemencias del tiempo. No hay preescolar matutino. Farmington EXCL abrirá en sus ubicaciones habituales a las 8 aM.