Aber |
Elizabeth |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
abere@fpsct.org |
Abraham |
Richard |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Teacher |
Abrahams |
Jamella |
East Farms Elementary School |
Teacher |
ABRAHAMSJ@fpsct.org |
Ackerson |
Danielle |
Union Elementary School |
Teacher |
ackersond@fpsct.org |
Adams |
Reanna Jean |
Farmington High School |
Administrative Assistant |
adamsr@fpsct.org |
Aleixo |
Carma |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
EXCL Staff |
ALEIXOC@fpsct.org |
Allen |
Joshua |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Custodian |
ALLENJ@fpsct.org |
Almeida |
Ariana |
Farmington High School |
Para Special Education |
Alvarez |
Kristin |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
alvarezk@fpsct.org |
Anderson |
Nadiya |
East Farms Elementary School |
Clerk II |
andersonn@fpsct.org |
Andrelczyk |
Julia |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
andrelczykj@fpsct.org |
Anopolsky |
Julie |
Union Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
ANOPOLSKYJ@fpsct.org |
Anthony |
Kenneth |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
EXCL Staff |
anthonyk@fpsct.org |
Anthony |
Meghan |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Tutors |
Anthonym@fpsct.org |
Antonitis |
Margaret |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
antonitism@fpsct.org |
Archambault |
Craig |
Farmington High School |
Coach |
Archambaultc@fpsct.org |
Arena |
Laura |
Farmington High School |
Coach |
arenal@fpsct.org |
Ari |
Gulshan |
Union Elementary School |
EXCL Staff |
arig@fpst.org |
Armintrout |
Maura |
East Farms Elementary School |
Para Regular Education |
armintroutm@fpsct.org |
Askham |
Adam |
Farmington High School |
Coach |
askhama@fpsct.org |
Aube |
Pamela |
Central Office |
Data Specialist |
aubep@fpsct.org |
Austin |
Jennifer |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
Ayers |
Jessica |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Teacher |
AYERSJ@fpsct.org |
Bader |
Melissa |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
baderm@fpsct.org |
Baechle |
Samantha |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Para Regular Education |
baechles@fpsct.org |
Bailey |
Madeline |
East Farms Elementary School |
Teacher |
baileymadeline@fpsct.org |
Bailey |
Sandroy |
EXCL Staff |
baileys@fpsct.org |
Baliko |
Allison |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
balikoa@fpsct.org |
Barker |
Sarah |
Union Elementary School |
Teacher |
barkers@fpsct.org |
Barone |
Michael |
Farmington High School |
Coach |
Barrett |
Emily |
Farmington Valley Transition Academy |
Teacher |
barrette@fpsct.org |
Barron |
Timothy |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
BARRONT@fpsct.org |
Barrows |
Marcus |
Union Elementary School |
EXCL Staff |
Barrowsm@fpsct.org |
Barry |
Colleen |
Farmington High School |
Para Special Education |
millerC@FPSCT.ORG |
Barry |
Geoffrey |
Farmington High School |
Coach |
barryg@fpsct.org |
Bastiaanse Fritch |
Nicole |
West District Elementary School |
Teacher |
Bean |
Anthony |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
BEANA@fpsct.org |
Beardsley |
Caroline |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
beardsleyc@fpsct.org |
Becker |
Sharon |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
BECKERS@fpsct.org |
Beckert |
Darlene |
Union Elementary School |
Teacher |
BECKERTD@fpsct.org |
Bedard |
Sharon |
Farmington High School |
Clerk II |
bedards@fpsct.org |
Beecher |
Seth |
Union Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
Beechers@fpsct.org |
Belisle |
Evan |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
belislee@fpsct.org |
Bell |
Arianna |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
Bellanca |
Amanda |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
bellancaa@fpsct.org |
Benson |
Annise |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
BENSONA@fpsct.org |
Bernabeo |
Kathryn |
East Farms Elementary School |
Teacher |
bernabeoK@FPSCT.ORG |
Bernard |
Brian |
Farmington High School |
Monitors |
bernardb@fpsct.org |
Bissell |
Ericsson |
Union Elementary School |
EXCL Staff |
bisselle@fpsct.org |
Bittner |
Maureen |
Union Elementary School |
Para Regular Education |
Blanchard |
Emily |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
blancharde@fpsct.org |
Block |
Beth |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
BLOCKB@fpsct.org |
Blore |
Katherine |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Principal |
blorek@fpsct.org |
Boehning |
Laura |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
boehningl@fpsct.org |
Bogatz |
Sapora |
Union Elementary School |
Teacher |
Bogdanski |
Victoria |
Teacher |
bogdanskiv@fpsct.org |
Bolduc |
Allison |
Farmington High School |
Clerk II |
bolduca@fpsct.org |
Bonini |
Christine |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
Boorman |
Nicholas |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
Boratko |
Jessica |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
boratkoj@fpsct.org |
Borawski |
D'Ante |
Central Office |
Admin. Asst. to Supt. |
forschinod@fpsct.org |
Boucher |
Sarah |
West District Elementary School |
Teacher |
mangiaficos@fpsct.org |
Boyajian |
Whitney |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Clerk II |
boyajianw@fpsct.org |
Bozzuto |
Lori |
West District Elementary School |
Para Regular Education |
bozzutol@fpsct.org |
Braddock |
Sara |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
Braddocks@fpsct.org |
Brancato |
Caroline |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
Brand |
Jessica |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
Brandj@fpsct.org |
Branley |
Noreen |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
Branleyn@fpsct.org |
Bremer |
Edward |
Farmington High School |
Tutors |
bremere@fpsct.org |
Brennan |
Kathleen |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
BRENNANK@fpsct.org |
Briggs |
William |
Farmington High School |
Custodian |
Briggsw@fpsct.org |
Brinton |
Brandy |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
brintonb@fpsct.org |
Broomall |
Jacquelyn |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
Brower |
Charity |
West District Elementary School |
Teacher |
BROWERC@fpsct.org |
Brown |
Marc |
Farmington High School |
Custodian |
brownmarc@fpsct.org |
Brown |
Mikayla |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
brownmikayla@fpsct.org |
Brys |
Dawn |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
Brzankalski |
Tammy |
Farmington Valley Transition Academy |
Job Coach |
Bumsch |
Carleen |
East Farms Elementary School |
Teacher |
BUMSCHC@fpsct.org |
Buonocore |
Maryjeanne |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
buonocorem@fpsct.org |
Burstein |
Ellen |
Union Elementary School |
Teacher |
BURSTEINE@fpsct.org |
Bussiere |
Francesca |
Farmington High School |
Clerk I |
Bussieref@fpsct.org |
Butler Smith |
Annie |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
EXCL Staff |
BUTLERSMITHA@fpsct.org |
Butterfield |
Charles |
Farmington High School |
Coach |
butterfieldc@fpsct.org |
Butterfield |
Laura |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
BUTTERFIELDL@fpsct.org |
Byrnes |
Sarah |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
byrness@fpsct.org |
Cabell |
Kathleen |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Para Regular Education |
cabellk@fpsct.org |
Cal |
Betty |
East Farms Elementary School |
Para Regular Education |
Calb@fpsct.org |
Calbo |
Matthew |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
calbom@fpsct.org |
Callan |
Patrick |
Central Office |
Maintenance |
Callaway |
Bridget |
West District Elementary School |
Teacher |
Callawayb@fpsct.org |
Campagnano |
Nicholas |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
EXCL Staff |
campagnanon@fpsct.org |
Campbell |
Katherine |
Union Elementary School |
Teacher |
CAMPBELLK@fpsct.org |
Canavan |
Elizabeth |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
Canavane@fpsct.org |
Cantito |
Jessi |
East Farms Elementary School |
Teacher |
cantitoj@fpsct.org |
Cappa |
Deborah |
Farmington High School |
Monitors |
Cardono |
Christopher |
Farmington High School |
Cleaners |
Cardonoc@fpsct.org |
Caron |
Linda |
Farmington High School |
Custodian |
CARONL@fpsct.org |
Carpenter |
Kassandra |
Union Elementary School |
Monitors |
carpenterk@fpsct.org |
Carpino |
Sydney |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
EXCL Staff |
carpinos@fpsct.org |
Carrozza |
Louise |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
carrozzal@fpsct.org |
Carter |
James |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
CARTERJ@fpsct.org |
Cartnick |
Kathryn |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
CARTNICKK@fpsct.org |
Casarella |
Nathan |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
CASARELLAN@fpsct.org |
Catala |
Alyssa |
East Farms Elementary School |
Teacher |
Catlin |
Alyssa |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
catlina@fpsct.org |
Celentano |
Pamela |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
Chang-Twillie |
Betty |
Union Elementary School |
Teacher |
changb@fpsct.org |
Chaves |
Kyle |
Union Elementary School |
Teacher |
Chaves |
Ryan |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
EXCL Staff |
chavesr@fpsct.org |
Chaves |
Sally |
West District Elementary School |
EXCL Staff |
CHAVESS@fpsct.org |
Chillapalli |
Suneetha |
West District Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
chillapallis@fpsct.org |
Chittajallu |
Kalpana |
East Farms Elementary School |
Para Regular Education |
chittajalluk@fpsct.org |
Christian |
Stacey |
Union Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
Christolini |
Emma |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
christolinie@fpsct.org |
Ciniglio |
Francesca |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
cinigliof@fpsct.org |
Clark-Garcia |
Amy |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
CLARKGARCIAA@fpsct.org |
Cohen |
Shannon |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Para Regular Education |
Cohens@fpsct.org |
Cohn |
Sarah |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
Cohns@fpsct.org |
Colapietro |
Nicole |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
colapietron@fpsct.org |
Collins |
Nicole |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Teacher |
Colson |
Meloney |
West District Elementary School |
Teacher |
colsonm@fpsct.org |
Connelly |
Schalleen |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Tutors |
Connellys@fpsct.org |
Conroy |
Alex |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Teacher |
Conroya@fpsct.org |
Corr |
Aaron |
West District Elementary School |
Custodian |
corra@fpsct.org |
Corrigan |
James |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
CORRIGANJ@fpsct.org |
Cote |
Mackenzie |
West District Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
Cotem@fpsct.org |
Cote |
Ryan |
Farmington High School |
Custodian |
Coter@fpsct.org |
Cotoia |
Nicole |
West District Elementary School |
Teacher |
Cottle |
Trinity |
Union Elementary School |
EXCL Staff |
Cottlet@fpsct.org |
Courtney |
Anna |
Farmington High School |
Administrative Assistant |
Courtneya@fpsct.org |
Coviello |
Jessica |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
covielloj@fpsct.org |
Cox |
Kimberly |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Teacher |
Cragin |
Karen |
East Farms Elementary School |
Monitors |
CRAGINK@fpsct.org |
Crandall |
James |
Farmington High School |
Coach |
Crawford |
Emma |
West District Elementary School |
Teacher |
Crawforde@fpsct.org |
Crisanti |
Gary |
Farmington High School |
Tutors |
CRISANTIG@fpsct.org |
Crist |
Russell |
Farmington High School |
Principal |
CRISTR@fpsct.org |
Crosby-Williams |
Darrell |
Farmington High School |
Para Special Education |
crosbywilliamsd@fpsct.org |
Crowe |
Kathleen |
Union Elementary School |
Para Regular Education |
CROWEK@fpsct.org |
Crowe Silva |
Colleen |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
D'Amato |
Casey |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
EXCL Staff |
damatoc@fpsct.org |
D'Onofrio |
Patti |
Central Office |
Clerk I |
donofriop@fpsct.org |
Daddio |
Jeffrey |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
daddioj@fpsct.org |
Daggett |
Sarah |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Clerk II |
daggetts@fpsct.org |
Daigle |
Kurt |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
daiglek@fpsct.org |
Dale |
Joan |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Monitors |
dalej@fpsct.org |
Dale |
Melissa |
Union Elementary School |
Teacher |
DALEM@fpsct.org |
Daleb |
Sylvia |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
dalebs@fpsct.org |
Daniel |
Jessica |
West District Elementary School |
Teacher |
DANIELJ@fpsct.org |
Danielson |
Danyell |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Teacher |
Danielsond@fpsct.org |
Dash |
Alexandra |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
dasha@fpsct.org |
Dashefsky |
Sabrina |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
DASHEFSKYS@fpsct.org |
Dauphinais |
Jeffrey |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
Davenport |
Violet |
Union Elementary School |
Para Regular Education |
davenportv@fpsct.org |
Dayton |
Kathy |
Farmington High School |
Administrative Assistant |
daytonk@fpsct.org |
De Roussel De Preville |
Jenna |
West District Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
derousselj@fpsct.org |
De Roy |
Madhurima |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
Deroym@fpst.org |
Debarber |
Kate |
East Farms Elementary School |
Teacher |
debarberk@fpsct.org |
Deflippo |
Heidi |
East Farms Elementary School |
Teacher |
Deitelbaum |
Hailey |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
Deitelbaumh@fpsct.org |
Deitz |
Daniel |
West District Elementary School |
Teacher |
Delgiudice |
Lindsay |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Teacher |
DeLuca |
Stella |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Monitors |
Delucas@fpsct.org |
Demonte |
Laura |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
demontel@fpsct.org |
DeNardo |
Elizabeth |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
denardoe@fpsct.org |
Deorsey |
Taylor |
West District Elementary School |
Custodian |
Deorseyt@fpsct.org |
Desimone |
Andrew |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
Dewanjee |
Bidisha |
Union Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
dewanjeeb@fpsct.org |
Diaz |
Elizabeth |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
diaze@fpsct.org |
Dickerson |
Hannah |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
Dickersonh@fpsct.org |
Dill |
Kerry |
Farmington High School |
Administrative Assistant |
dillk@fpsct.org |
Dinnan |
James |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
Dipinto |
Marie |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
dipintom@fpsct.org |
Disorbo |
Tara |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
disorbot@fpsct.org |
Doherty Jurkiewicz |
Ann |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Para Special Education |
jurkiewicza@fpsct.org |
Dombroskas |
Mary |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
dombroskasm@fpsct.org |
Dominov |
Paige |
Union Elementary School |
Teacher |
DOMINOVP@fpsct.org |
Donlin |
Brenda |
Central Office |
Coordinator of CE |
donlinb@fpsct.org |
Donlon |
Andriana |
East Farms Elementary School |
Teacher |
DONLONA@fpsct.org |
Donofrio |
Devan |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
donofriod@fpsct.org |
Donovan |
Jennifer |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
Donovanj@fpsct.org |
Donskoy |
Skylar |
Cleaners |
Dooley |
Kathryn |
West District Elementary School |
Teacher |
dooleyk@fpsct.org |
Dowd |
Jessica |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
Dowdj@fpsct.org |
Dowle |
Sandra |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
Driggs |
Dawn |
Central Office |
Account Sup I |
Driggsd@fpsct.org |
Drisdelle |
Sharon |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
DRISDELLES@fpsct.org |
Drury |
Marnie |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Para Regular Education |
Dube |
Emily |
West District Elementary School |
Teacher |
DUBEE@fpsct.org |
Dudecz |
Kristine |
Central Office |
Nurse |
greenk@fpsct.org |
Dunn |
Stephen |
Central Office |
End-User Support Technician |
dunns@fpsct.org |
Dunne |
Lori |
Union Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
sievell@fpsct.org |
Dupont |
James |
East Farms Elementary School |
Custodian |
DUPONTJ@fpsct.org |
Duquette |
Mark |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Custodian |
Dwamena |
Bismarck |
Farmington High School |
Cleaners |
Dwamenab@fpsct.org |
Eatmon |
Kyle |
Central Office |
Technician Digital Media |
Eatmonk@fpsct.org |
Ebert |
Brendan |
Farmington High School |
Para Special Education |
Ebertb@fpsct.org |
Eckler |
Caitlin |
Union Elementary School |
Principal |
ECKLERC@fpsct.org |
Edgar |
Karen |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Nurse |
Edmonds |
Julie |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
edmondsj@fpsct.org |
Eiseman |
Allison |
Union Elementary School |
Teacher |
Elyosius |
Kimberly |
Union Elementary School |
Teacher |
elyosiusk@fpsct.org |
Engelhardt |
Emily |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
engelhardte@fpsct.org |
Ercoli |
Lisa |
Farmington High School |
Para Special Education |
Errico |
Stacey |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
erricos@fpsct.org |
Escajeda |
Terri |
Farmington High School |
Clerk II |
ESCAJEDAT@fpsct.org |
Estrada |
Lorena |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Cleaners |
ESTRADAL@fpsct.org |
Faezi |
Kaaviyan |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
faezik@fpsct.org |
Fantl |
Maxim |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Teacher |
fantlm@fpsct.org |
Fascendini |
Erin |
Farmington High School |
Coach |
fascendinie@fpsct.org |
Faselle |
Charles |
Farmington High School |
Para Special Education |
fasellec@fpsct.org |
Faucher |
Andrew |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
Felczak |
Weronika |
East Farms Elementary School |
Teacher |
felczakw@fpsct.org |
Fernandes |
Kinga |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Teacher |
fernandesk@fpsct.org |
Ferrigno |
Scott |
Farmington High School |
Monitors |
FERRIGNOS@fpsct.org |
Ficks |
Andrea |
Union Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
ficksa@fpsct.org |
Fielding |
Pamela |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
FIELDINGP@fpsct.org |
Fillian |
Steven |
Farmington High School |
Custodian |
FILLIANS@fpsct.org |
Fink |
Carolyn |
West District Elementary School |
Principal |
FINKC@fpsct.org |
Finn |
Ethan |
Farmington High School |
Coach |
Fippinger |
Annmarie |
Union Elementary School |
Clerk II |
fippingera@fpsct.org |
Fitzpatrick |
Allison |
East Farms Elementary School |
Teacher |
fitzpatricka@fpsct.org |
Flaherty |
Ryan |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
FLAHERTYR@fpsct.org |
Flavell |
Sarah |
Union Elementary School |
Teacher |
flavells@fpsct.org |
Folz |
Daryl |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
Forgione |
Jeremy |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
FORGIONEJ@fpsct.org |
Forstbauer |
Charles |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
FORSTBAUERC@fpsct.org |
Fraley |
Ursula |
Farmington High School |
Administrative Assistant |
FRALEYU@fpsct.org |
Franco-Bao |
Ximena |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
franco-baox@fpsct.org |
French |
Marguerite |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
FRENCHM@fpsct.org |
Frost |
Cameron |
East Farms Elementary School |
Teacher |
PARISIC@fpsct.org |
Gagnon |
Michael |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
gagnonm@fpsct.org |
Gaito |
Linda |
West District Elementary School |
Para Regular Education |
gaitol@fpsct.org |
Galeota |
Caroline |
Union Elementary School |
Teacher |
galeotac@fpsct.org |
Gallinoto |
Judith |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
GALLINOTOJ@fpsct.org |
Gallo |
Lanelle |
East Farms Elementary School |
Teacher |
gallol@fpsct.org |
Gallucci |
Lauren |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
Galvin |
Tricia |
Union Elementary School |
Teacher |
Gambardella |
Brittany |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Para Regular Education |
gambardellab@fpsct.org |
Gan |
Mary Ellen |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
ganm@fpsct.org |
Garcia |
Amanda |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
Garciaa@fpsct.org |
Gardell |
Kimberlee |
East Farms Elementary School |
Teacher |
Garrity |
Ann |
West District Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
garritya@fpsct.org |
Gaudet |
Amy |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
Gawle |
Jefferson |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
GAWLEJ@fpsct.org |
Geissler |
Andrew |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
geisslera@fpsct.org |
Gelb |
Abraham |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
gelba@fpsct.org |
Gencarelli |
Rachel |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Teacher |
Gencarellir@fpsct.org |
Germain |
Veronica |
East Farms Elementary School |
Teacher |
GERMAINV@fpsct.org |
Gervasi |
Michael |
Farmington High School |
Coach |
Gholampour |
Kia |
Farmington High School |
Coach |
gholampourk@fpsct.org |
Ghosh |
Antara |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
EXCL Staff |
Ghosha@fpsct.org |
Giampaola |
Abbigale |
EXCL Staff |
Giampaola |
Nicole |
West District Elementary School |
Monitors |
giampaolan@fpsct.org |
Giansanti |
Bryan |
West District Elementary School |
Teacher |
giansantib@fpsct.org |
Giesing |
Kim |
Union Elementary School |
Teacher |
GIESINGK@fpsct.org |
Gilbert |
Ananda |
East Farms Elementary School |
Administrative Assistant |
gilberta@fpsct.org |
Gillis |
Virginia |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
GILLISV@fpsct.org |
Gingras |
Catherine |
East Farms Elementary School |
Teacher |
GINGRASC@fpsct.org |
Givens |
Juliette |
Farmington High School |
Para Special Education |
GIVENSJ@fpsct.org |
Glasper |
Tekeya |
West District Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
glaspert@fpsct.org |
Gleen |
Tyler |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
gleent@fpsct.org |
Glover |
Michael |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
EXCL Staff |
gloverm@fpsct.org |
Goehner |
Sophia |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Monitors |
Goehners@fpsct.org |
Goldberg |
Lance |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
goldbergl@fpsct.org |
Goldman |
Emelia |
Union Elementary School |
Teacher |
goldmane@fpsct.org |
Goldson |
Kerry-Ann |
Farmington High School |
Para Special Education |
Goldsonk@fpsct.org |
Golfin |
Joshua |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
Golfinj@fpsct.org |
Goodman |
Christopher |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Cleaners |
Goodmanc@fpsct.org |
Gootnick |
Lauren |
Central Office |
Clerk II |
Gootnickl@fpsct.org |
Gore |
Lisa |
Union Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
gorel@fpsct.org |
Gorman |
Rebecca |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
GORMANR@fpsct.org |
Gottier |
Brian |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Para Special Education |
gottierb@fpsct.org |
Gottier |
Jody |
Central Office |
Clerk II |
GOTTIERJ@fpsct.org |
Gracia |
Brittney |
Central Office |
Behavior Analyst |
graciab@fpsct.org |
Grande |
Leigh |
East Farms Elementary School |
Teacher |
Greider |
Kathleen |
Central Office |
Superintendent |
Griggs |
Dalton |
Farmington High School |
Monitors |
Griggsd@fpsct.org |
Grin |
Dana |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
GRIND@fpsct.org |
Guarino |
Allyson |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
guarinoa@fpsct.org |
Guglietta |
Steven |
Farmington High School |
Coach |
gugliettas@fpsct.org |
Haber |
Elizabeth |
Central Office |
Finance Manager |
haberb@fpsct.org |
Hacker |
Diana |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Administrative Assistant |
hackerd@fpsct.org |
Haddad |
Kristin |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
EXCL Staff |
THOMASENK@fpsct.org |
Hall |
Michele |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
HALLM@fpsct.org |
Halloran |
Michelle |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
halloranm@fpsct.org |
Hammami |
Huda |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
hammamih@fpsct.org |
Hamylak |
Meghan |
Union Elementary School |
Teacher |
Hamylakm@fpsct.org |
Harper |
Christopher |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Security Monitor |
harperc@fpsct.org |
Hart |
Karen |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Nurse Supervisor |
Hartk@fpsct.org |
Harvey |
Brian |
Farmington High School |
Coach |
Hassett |
Thomas |
West District Elementary School |
Teacher |
hassettt@fpsct.org |
Hastings |
Jonathan |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
EXCL Staff |
Hastingsj@fpsct.org |
Hauser |
Jennifer |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Para Special Education |
hauserj@fpsct.org |
Havens-McColgan |
Kendra |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
havensk@fpsct.org |
Hazra |
Sanhita |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
hazras@fpsct.org |
Hedberg |
Mackenzie |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
luizm@fpsct.org |
Heinemeyer |
Catherine |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
strycharzc@fpsct.org |
Hemond |
Amy |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
hemonda@fpsct.org |
Hendsey |
Laura |
East Farms Elementary School |
Tutors |
hendseyl@fpsct.org |
Hennig |
Taylor |
West District Elementary School |
Teacher |
Hennigt@fpsct.org |
Hess |
Jenai |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Teacher |
hessj@fpsct.org |
Hill |
Heather |
West District Elementary School |
Teacher |
hillh@fpsct.org |
Hodgkinson |
Jillian |
Farmington High School |
Para Special Education |
hodgkinsonj@fpsct.org |
Hoffman |
Charles |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Custodian |
HOFFMANC@fpsct.org |
Holley |
Kelly |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
holleyk@fpsct.org |
Holmes |
Stanley |
EXCL Staff |
holmess@fpsct.org |
Hook |
William |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
Horak |
Maria |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
Horrocks |
Brian |
East Farms Elementary School |
Teacher |
horrocksb@fpsct.org |
Howard |
Sean |
Farmington High School |
Monitors |
Howards@fpsct.org |
Hrinda |
Megan |
West District Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
hrindam@fpsct.org |
Hubelbank |
Sarah |
Union Elementary School |
Teacher |
hubelbanks@fpsct.org |
Hubeny |
Michael |
Farmington High School |
Custodian |
Hubenym@fpsct.org |
Hudock |
Kimberly |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
Hudson |
Olivia |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
hudsono@fpsct.org |
Hunt |
Monika |
Union Elementary School |
Teacher |
huntm@fpsct.org |
Hunter |
Melissa |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Monitors |
hunterm@fpsct.org |
Hurey |
Casey |
Farmington High School |
Monitors |
hureyc@fpsct.org |
Ierna |
Deborah |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
iernad@fpsct.org |
Irving |
Trisha |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
irvingt@fpsct.org |
Jainchill |
Aaron |
Farmington High School |
Coach |
Jainchilla@fpsct.org |
James |
Jadin |
Farmington High School |
Coach |
Jarvis |
Steven |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
JARVISS@fpsct.org |
Jay |
Ann |
Central Office |
Human Resources Coordinator |
Johnson |
Dylan |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Monitors |
Johnsond@fpsct.org |
Johnson |
Jessica |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
Johnson |
Kalyn |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
Johnson |
Leah |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
Johnson |
Patricia |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
JOHNSONP@fpsct.org |
Jose |
Kayla |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Teacher |
josek@fpsct.org |
Jusseaume |
Jessica |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Teacher |
JUSSEAUMEJ@fpsct.org |
Kalafus |
Jeremy |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
kalafusj@fpsct.org |
Kalwat |
Jamie |
East Farms Elementary School |
Para Regular Education |
Kapcinski |
Lisa |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Principal |
KAPCINSKIL@fpsct.org |
Karanian |
Genevieve |
West District Elementary School |
Teacher |
karaniang@fpsct.org |
Kay |
Arielle |
East Farms Elementary School |
Teacher |
Kaya@fpsct.org |
Kay |
Rose |
Union Elementary School |
Teacher |
Kelley |
Joyce |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Teacher |
Kelleyj@fpsct.org |
Kelly |
Maureen |
West District Elementary School |
Tutors |
kellym@fpsct.org |
Kennedy |
Vernon |
Farmington High School |
Monitors |
kennedyv@fpsct.org |
Kessler |
Stephanie |
West District Elementary School |
Teacher |
Khan |
Ryeed |
Farmington High School |
Coach |
khanr@fpsct.org |
Kiley |
Daniel |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Para Special Education |
Kileyd@fpsct.org |
Kilpatrick |
Samuel |
Central Office |
Director of School Fac |
kilpatricks@fpsct.org |
King |
Amber |
Farmington High School |
Nurse |
kinga@fpsct.org |
King |
Lynn |
Farmington High School |
Administrative Assistant |
KINGL@fpsct.org |
Kitching |
Hedi-Anne |
Union Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
KITCHINGH@fpsct.org |
Kiveliyk |
Taylor |
East Farms Elementary School |
Teacher |
mcallistert@fpsct.org |
Kolodziej |
Stephanie |
West District Elementary School |
Teacher |
bishops@fpsct.org |
Koonz |
Rebecca |
Union Elementary School |
Teacher |
koonzr@fpsct.org |
Kor |
Stefanie |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
Kostal |
John |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
Kramer |
David |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
Kramer |
Emily |
East Farms Elementary School |
Teacher |
Kratzsch |
Christiane |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Para Regular Education |
kratzschc@fpsct.org |
Kress |
Lydia |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
EXCL Staff |
kressl@fpsct.org |
Kristopik |
Donna |
Union Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
kristopikd@fpsct.org |
Kruzyk |
Megan |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
kruzykm@fpsct.org |
Kubas |
Kevin |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
KUBASK@fpsct.org |
Kudernatsch |
Laura |
East Farms Elementary School |
Teacher |
Kudernatschl@fpsct.org |
Kumari |
Rinku |
West District Elementary School |
Para Regular Education |
kumarir@fpsct.org |
Kuwada |
Rachael |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Monitors |
Kuwadar@fpsct.org |
Lacolla |
Kevin |
Union Elementary School |
Cleaners |
Lada |
Emily |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
Lafrance |
Jake |
West District Elementary School |
EXCL Staff |
lafrancej@fpsct.org |
Lafreniere |
Auguste |
Farmington Valley Transition Academy |
Job Coach |
Lamarre |
Meghan |
East Farms Elementary School |
Teacher |
LaMARREM@fpsct.org |
Landheer |
Courtney |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
LANDHEERC@fpsct.org |
Landry |
Harmony |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Cleaners |
landryh@fpsct.org |
Lantagne |
Molly |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
Lanza |
Laura |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
lanzal@fpsct.org |
Larkum |
Daniel |
Central Office |
Coordinator Digital Media |
larkumd@fpsct.org |
Larosa |
Ashly |
Farmington Valley Transition Academy |
Job Coach |
LaRosa |
Jacob |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Para Special Education |
Larosaj@fpsct.org |
Latour |
Ann |
East Farms Elementary School |
Teacher |
LaTOURA@fpsct.org |
LaVecchia |
Lauren |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Assistant Principal |
Lavecchial@fpsct.org |
Lavinier |
Brianna |
Farmington High School |
Coach |
lavinierb@fpsct.org |
Leahy |
Ryan |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
Lepak |
Christopher |
Farmington High School |
Coach |
lepakc@fpsct.org |
Lepito |
Lisa |
Union Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
LEPITOL@fpsct.org |
Lewis |
Denise |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
LEWISD@fpsct.org |
Lewis |
Jessica |
Farmington High School |
Para Special Education |
lewisj@fpsct.org |
Lewis |
Stephen |
Farmington High School |
Para Special Education |
Lewiss@fpsct.org |
Liberda |
Monika |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Nurse |
liberdam@fpsct.org |
Liberno |
Alexandrea |
West District Elementary School |
Teacher |
libernoa@fpsct.org |
Lizarraga |
Alan |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
LIZARRAGAA@fpsct.org |
Lockhart |
Aubrie |
East Farms Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
Loomis |
Christopher |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
Lovig |
Janell |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Teacher |
Lubach |
Michaela |
East Farms Elementary School |
Nurse |
Lubachm@fpsct.org |
Lubas |
Deborah |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
lubasd@fpsct.org |
Lucey |
Thomas |
East Farms Elementary School |
Tutors |
Luceyt@fpsct.org |
Luciani |
Lauren |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
Lucidon |
Tara |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Teacher |
Lundquist |
Mary |
Farmington High School |
Dean of Students |
LUNDQUISTM@fpsct.org |
Luzietti |
Debbie |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
Luziettid@fpsct.org |
Lynch |
Ashley |
East Farms Elementary School |
Teacher |
Macchia |
Kelly |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Teacher |
macchiak@fpsct.org |
Macdonald |
Bryan |
Farmington High School |
Para Special Education |
macdonaldb@fpsct.org |
MacDonald |
Jennifer |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
macdonaldj@fpsct.org |
Machol |
Christopher |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
MACHOLC@fpsct.org |
Macri |
Rachael |
Union Elementary School |
Administrative Assistant |
macrir@fpsct.org |
Madley |
Denise |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
madleyd@fpsct.org |
Maghini |
Leah |
Union Elementary School |
Teacher |
maghinil@fpsct.org |
Magold |
Catherine |
West District Elementary School |
Teacher |
Malachowski |
Brenda |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
Maljanian |
David |
Farmington High School |
Coach |
maljaniand@fpsct.org |
Maloney |
Miriam |
West District Elementary School |
Teacher |
maloneym@fpsct.org |
Manaresi |
Jeffrey |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
MANARESIJ@fpsct.org |
Mango |
Antaylor |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
MANGOT@fpsct.org |
Marasco |
Lisa |
Farmington High School |
Clerk II |
Marcello |
Lea |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
marcellol@fpsct.org |
Marin |
Ines |
Farmington High School |
Tutors |
marini@fpsct.org |
Markert |
Pamela |
Farmington High School |
Clerk II |
markertp@fpsct.org |
Marques |
Artur |
East Farms Elementary School |
Custodian |
MARQUESA@fpsct.org |
Marselli |
Alexis |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
marsellia@fpsct.org |
Marshall |
Andrew |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
MARSHALLA@fpsct.org |
Martin |
Courtney |
Farmington High School |
Coach |
Martin |
Denise |
Central Office |
Administrative Assistant |
MARTIND@fpsct.org |
Martin |
Sean |
Farmington High School |
Custodian |
martins@fpsct.org |
Martin |
Zachary |
Farmington High School |
Coach |
Martinz@fpsct.org |
Martinelli |
Daniel |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
Martone |
Gabriella |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
Martoneg@fpsct.org |
Martorelli |
Kathryn |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
martorellik@fpsct.org |
Martorelli |
Matthew |
Farmington High School |
Director of Athletics |
martorellim@fpsct.org |
Mascolo |
Lauren |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
Maser |
Tracy |
Union Elementary School |
Teacher |
MASERT@fpsct.org |
Mason |
Alexa |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Teacher |
masona@fpsct.org |
Mathias |
Karen |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
mathiask@fpsct.org |
Matthews |
Maureen |
Nurse Assistant |
Maurice |
Annette |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Cleaners |
Mayette |
Constance |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Administrative Assistant |
MAYETTEC@fpsct.org |
Mazuronis |
Katherine |
Farmington High School |
Para Special Education |
mazuronisk@fpsct.org |
Mcbroom |
Kyre |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
mcbroomk@fpsct.org |
McCabe |
Mallory |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
mccabemallory@fpsct.org |
McCabe |
Meghan |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
Mccallum |
Hannah |
Farmington High School |
Coach |
Mccallumh@fpsct.org |
Mccarthy |
Nancy |
Farmington High School |
Para Special Education |
MCCARTHYN@fpsct.org |
Mccaughey |
Jason |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
Mccluskey |
Sean |
West District Elementary School |
EXCL Staff |
mccluskeys@fpsct.org |
Mccormick |
Megan |
West District Elementary School |
Clerk II |
mccormickm@fpsct.org |
Mccullough |
Mary |
East Farms Elementary School |
Para Regular Education |
MCCULLOUGHM@fpsct.org |
Mcdermott |
Ashley |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
mcdermotta@fpsct.org |
Mcdermott |
Kate |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
mcdermottk@fpsct.org |
Mcdonnell |
Christopher |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Monitors |
mcdonnellc@fpsct.org |
Mcginnis |
Thomas |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
MCGINNIST@fpsct.org |
McGuire |
Emily |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Para Special Education |
McGuiree@fpsct.org |
Mcguire |
Michael |
Farmington High School |
Coach |
Mcintyre |
Kaitlin |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
McKenney |
John |
Central Office |
Systems Administrator |
McKenney |
Michelle |
West District Elementary School |
Teacher |
McKenney |
Riley |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
mckenneyr@fpsct.org |
Mclaughlin |
Meredith |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
mclaughlinm@fpsct.org |
McLeod |
Nicole |
Union Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
mcleodn@fpsct.org |
McMahon |
Owen |
Farmington Valley Transition Academy |
Job Coach |
mcmahono@fpsct.org |
McMahon |
Philip |
Farmington High School |
Coach |
mcmahonp@fpsct.org |
McMullen |
Hillary |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Teacher |
hammerh@fpsct.org |
Mcphee |
Thomas |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Para Special Education |
mcpheet@fpsct.org |
Mecca |
Chelsea |
Union Elementary School |
Teacher |
Meccac@fpsct.org |
Medico |
Danielle |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Teacher |
medicod@fpsct.org |
Medina |
Rosemary |
Union Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
medinar@fpsct.org |
Meerse |
John |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
Melewski |
Mark |
West District Elementary School |
Security Monitor |
melewskim@fpsct.org |
Mengual |
Kimberly |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Para Special Education |
mengualk@fpsct.org |
Merced-Martinez |
Elizabeth |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Cleaners |
mercede@fpsct.org |
Merja |
Liljana |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Monitors |
merjal@fpsct.org |
Messerli |
Robin |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
Messerlir@fpsct.org |
Metzger |
Deborah |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
metzgerd@fpsct.org |
Michaud |
Amanda |
Union Elementary School |
EXCL Staff |
michauda@fpsct.org |
Michaud |
Vic |
Farmington High School |
Custodian |
MICHAUDV@fpsct.org |
Mikulak |
Daniel |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
Milewska |
Aleksandra |
East Farms Elementary School |
EXCL Staff |
milewskaa@fpsct.org |
Miller |
Melissa |
Union Elementary School |
Teacher |
millermelissa@fpsct.org |
Millicker |
Stephanie |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
MIllickers@fpsct.org |
Milo |
Jennifer |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
miloj@fpsct.org |
Miner |
Corinne |
Farmington High School |
Para Special Education |
minerc@fpsct.org |
Minor |
Andrew |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
minora@fpsct.org |
Mishriky |
Lisa |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
mishrikyl@fpsct.org |
Mojica |
Darniel |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Para Special Education |
Mojicad@fpsct.org |
Molloy |
Jean |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
MOLLOYJ@fpsct.org |
Molusis |
Laura |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Nurse |
MOLUSISL@fpsct.org |
Monaghan |
Margaret |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
Mongillo |
Sean |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
Mooney |
Allyson |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
Moore |
Florine |
West District Elementary School |
Monitors |
mooref@fpsct.org |
Moore |
Michael |
Central Office |
Systems Administrator |
MOOREM@fpsct.org |
Morgan |
Joanna |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
MORGANJ@fpsct.org |
Morris |
Kirsten |
Union Elementary School |
Teacher |
MORRISK@fpsct.org |
Morrissey |
Emily |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
morrisseye@fpsct.org |
Morton |
Jeannie |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
MORTONJ@fpsct.org |
Moscatello |
Gianna |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
Moscatellog@fpsct.org |
Moses |
Nathan |
Farmington High School |
Coach |
mosesn@fpsct.org |
Muirhead |
Judith |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
MUIRHEADJ@fpsct.org |
Mullaj |
Zani |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Custodian |
mullajz@fpsct.org |
Munafo |
Laura |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
munafol@fpsct.org |
Murillo |
Keily De Jesus |
Farmington High School |
Coach |
Murillok@fpsct.org |
Muro |
Roseann |
Farmington High School |
Coach |
muror@fpsct.org |
Nadeau |
Yvonne |
West District Elementary School |
Para Regular Education |
nadeauy@fpsct.org |
Nadel |
Doreen |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
NADELD@fpsct.org |
Nardini |
Kathleen |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Teacher |
Nartowicz |
Basia |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
Nartowiczb@fpsct.org |
Narus |
Joseph |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
NARUSJ@fpsct.org |
Neal |
Katarzyna |
Union Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
kedziork@fpsct.org |
Nelson |
Nancy |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Teacher |
NELSONN@fpsct.org |
Nelthropp |
Rachael |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Teacher |
nelthroppr@fpsct.org |
Netcoh |
Steven |
Farmington High School |
Coordinator of STC |
Neumann |
Elizabeth |
Union Elementary School |
Teacher |
neumanne@fpsct.org |
Nevers |
Ryan |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
Neves |
Aleesha |
Union Elementary School |
Para Regular Education |
NEVESA@fpsct.org |
Neville |
Timothy |
Teacher |
nevillet@fpsct.org |
Ngai |
Jennifer |
East Farms Elementary School |
Teacher |
suj@fpsct.org |
Nick |
Joel |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
Nock |
Erin |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Teacher |
NOCKE@fpsct.org |
Nolan |
Lara |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
Nolanl@fpsct.org |
Nucifora |
Angelica |
Union Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
Nuciforaa@fpsct.org |
Nunes |
Michael |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
nunesm@fpsct.org |
Nuzzi |
Vicky |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
Nye |
Georgia |
West District Elementary School |
Teacher |
nyeg@fpsct.org |
O'Brien |
Clifford |
Farmington High School |
Custodian |
obrienc@fpsct.org |
O'Brien |
Jessica |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Teacher |
O'Brien |
Katharine |
West District Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
OBRIENK@fpsct.org |
O'Brien |
Kathleen |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
O'Connell |
Charles |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
OCONNELLM@fpsct.org |
O'Connell |
Sara |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
oconnells@fpsct.org |
O'Connor |
Timothy |
Farmington High School |
Coach |
O'Donoghue |
Gerry |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Teacher |
O'Meara |
Abigail |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Tutors |
omearaa@fpsct.org |
O'Shea |
Darcy |
East Farms Elementary School |
Teacher |
oshead@fpsct.org |
O'Toole |
Eric |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
o'toolee@fpsct.org |
Oberlander |
Melissa |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Teacher |
Oberlanderm@fpsct.org |
Ocampo |
Mauricia |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Para Special Education |
ocampom@fpsct.org |
Occhino |
Colleen |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
occhinoc@fpsct.org |
Oellerich |
Emma |
East Farms Elementary School |
Teacher |
oelleriche@fpsct.org |
Olivastro |
Elizabeth |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Para Regular Education |
Olsen |
Alysson |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
OLSENA@fpsct.org |
Olshefski |
Heidi |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Monitors |
Oman-Wilfrid |
Elizabeth |
East Farms Elementary School |
Teacher |
omanwilfride@fpsct.org |
Opalenik |
John |
West District Elementary School |
Teacher |
Opalenikj@fpsct.org |
Ortiz |
Bianca |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Clerk II |
ortizb@fpsct.org |
Orts |
Colleen |
Central Office |
Benefits Coordinator |
ortsc@fpsct.org |
Oss |
Mikaela |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Teacher |
ossm@fpsct.org |
Paine |
Debra |
Union Elementary School |
Monitors |
Park |
Eun Jung |
Central Office |
Clerk II |
parke@fpsct.org |
Park |
Pauline |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
parkp@fpsct.org |
Parks |
Billy |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Cleaners |
Pascavis |
Christie |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Teacher |
Pascavisc@fpsct.org |
Paton |
Baokhanh |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
Patonb@fpsct.org |
Pearson |
Jennifer |
East Farms Elementary School |
Teacher |
pearsonj@fpsct.org |
Peary |
Katherine |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
PEARYK@fpsct.org |
Peditto |
Madalyn |
Union Elementary School |
Para Regular Education |
pedittom@fpsct.org |
Pekrul |
Arley |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
pekrula@fpsct.org |
Pelland |
Julie |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Tutors |
Pellandj@fpsct.org |
Pellon |
Sallie |
East Farms Elementary School |
Para Regular Education |
pellons@fpsct.org |
Pelosi |
Michael |
West District Elementary School |
Cleaners |
pelosim@fpsct.org |
Peltier |
Jeffrey |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Security Monitor |
peltierj@fpsct.org |
Peltier |
Kelley |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Para Regular Education |
PELTIERK@fpsct.org |
Perrone |
Robert |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
PERRONER@fpsct.org |
Perry |
Colleen |
Union Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
Persa |
Susan |
Union Elementary School |
Teacher |
Pestillo |
Emily |
East Farms Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
pestilloe@fpsct.org |
Petersen |
Cheryl |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
petersenc@fpsct.org |
Petersen |
Marybeth |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Administrative Assistant |
PETERSENM@fpsct.org |
Peterson |
Brenda |
Central Office |
Account Sup I |
petersonb@fpsct.org |
Peterson |
Henry |
Farmington High School |
Coach |
Peterson |
Michelle |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
PETERSONM@fpsct.org |
Petrucci |
Aliza |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Teacher |
petruccia@fpsct.org |
Pierce |
Heather |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
Pierceh@fpsct.org |
Pierson |
Scott |
Farmington High School |
Coach |
piersons@fpsct.org |
Pilver |
Jeremy |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
PILVERJ@fpsct.org |
Pizzuto III |
Michael |
Union Elementary School |
Custodian |
Pizzutom@fpsct.org |
Pleckaitis |
Nicole |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
PLECKAITISN@fpsct.org |
Plona |
Jennifer |
East Farms Elementary School |
Monitors |
plonaj@fpsct.org |
Porter |
Kara |
Union Elementary School |
Teacher |
Porter |
Parker |
Farmington High School |
Coach |
Porterp@fpsct.org |
Poskus |
Felicia |
Farmington High School |
Assistant Principal |
poskusf@fpsct.org |
Potanka |
Katherine |
Farmington Valley Transition Academy |
Job Coach |
Poulin |
Marc |
Union Elementary School |
Custodian |
poulinmarc@fpsct.org |
Poulin |
Marie |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Administrative Assistant |
POULINM@fpsct.org |
Poulin |
Steven |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Custodian |
Poulins@fpsct.org |
Pozo-Gordillo |
Jeisson |
Farmington High School |
Coach |
Praven |
Elizabeth |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
PRAVENB@fpsct.org |
Preskenis |
Kirsten |
Farmington High School |
Coach |
preskenisk@fpsct.org |
Pritchard |
Molly |
West District Elementary School |
Teacher |
pritchardm@fpsct.org |
Procko |
Earl |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
Queen |
Taylor |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
queent@fpsct.org |
Quinn |
Frank |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
Quinnf@fpsct.org |
Raghavan |
Aarthi |
Union Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
raghavana@fpsct.org |
Ragin |
Jonisha |
West District Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
Raginj@fpsct.org |
Ramchandani |
Sona |
Central Office |
Payroll Clerk |
ramchandanis@fpsct.org |
Ransford |
Kerry |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
eagank@fpsct.org |
Ransom |
Joshua |
Farmington High School |
Cleaners |
Ratner |
Deborah |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
Ray |
Jessica |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Teacher |
rayj@fpsct.org |
Raymond |
Chuck |
Central Office |
Network Manager |
RAYMONDC@fpsct.org |
Raymunt |
Alexandra |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
raymunta@fpsct.org |
Rebillard |
Christina |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
REBILLARDC@fpsct.org |
Reilly |
David |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
Reillyd@fpsct.org |
Reiser |
Elizabeth |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
reiserb@fpsct.org |
Ricciardiello |
Amber |
West District Elementary School |
Teacher |
Rich |
Brooke |
West District Elementary School |
Teacher |
bukowskib@fpsct.org |
Rich |
Olivia |
Farmington High School |
Athletic Trainer |
richo@fpsct.org |
Richmond |
Charles |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
RICHMONDC@fpsct.org |
Richter |
Kristine |
West District Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
richterk@fpsct.org |
Riendeau |
Kevin |
Central Office |
Continuing Ed Staff |
riendeauk@fpsct.org |
Rivard |
Brittia |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
rivardb@fpsct.org |
Rivera |
Claudio |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Cleaners |
Riverac@fpsct.org |
Rivera |
Kayla |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
riverak@fpsct.org |
Robbin |
Kathryn |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
robbink@fpsct.org |
Roberts |
Mark |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Custodian |
ROBERTSM@fpsct.org |
Robinson |
Melissa |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
robinsonm@fpsct.org |
Robinson |
Sadie |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
robinsons@fpsct.org |
Rodrigues |
Cristina |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Teacher |
Rodriguez |
Melina |
Central Office |
Supervisor of Spec Servic |
Rodriguezm@fpsct.org |
Rogala |
Constance |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
EXCL Staff |
rogalac@fpsct.org |
Romano |
Tyler |
Farmington High School |
Coach |
Romanot@fpsct.org |
Rosado |
Betsy |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Administrative Assistant |
Roscher |
Jahnae |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
Roscherj@fpsct.org |
Rose |
Andrew |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Para Special Education |
Rosea@fpsct.org |
Rose |
Jeffrey |
Farmington High School |
Monitors |
rosejeffrey@fpsct.org |
Rose |
Pamela |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
ROSEP@fpsct.org |
Ross |
Matthew |
Central Office |
Director of Finance and Operations |
Ross |
Stephanie |
West District Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
Rosss@fpsct.org |
Rossitto |
Carolyn |
West District Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
Roy |
Tanusree |
East Farms Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
royt@fpsct.org |
Rush |
Nathan |
Central Office |
End-User Technician |
Rushn@fpsct.org |
Russell |
Jeffrey |
Farmington High School |
Assistant Principal |
russellj@fpsct.org |
Russell |
Maureen |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
MESSIERM@fpsct.org |
Ruzbasan |
Amber |
West District Elementary School |
Para Regular Education |
ruzbasana@fpsct.org |
Ruzbasan |
Dyllan |
Farmington High School |
Para Special Education |
ruzbasand@fpsct.org |
Ruzbasan |
Jessie |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
ruzbasanj@fpsct.org |
Ruzek |
Veronica |
Central Office |
Director of Curriculum |
RUZEKV@fpsct.org |
Sabonis |
Kristen |
East Farms Elementary School |
Monitors |
Sabonisk@fpsct.org |
Salvador |
Samantha |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
salvadors@fpsct.org |
Santhanam |
Kalaichelvi |
East Farms Elementary School |
Para Regular Education |
santhanamk@fpsct.org |
Sardilli |
Kara |
Union Elementary School |
Para Regular Education |
Saucier |
Penny |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
saucierp@fpsct.org |
Schaefer |
Brenda |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
SCHAEFERB@fpsct.org |
Schipper |
Lisa |
West District Elementary School |
Administrative Assistant |
schipperl@fpsct.org |
Schneiter |
Maria |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
Schneiterm@fpsct.org |
Sedgwick |
Arielle |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Teacher |
oemckea@fpsct.org |
Sedory |
Christine |
West District Elementary School |
Teacher |
Sedoryc@fpsct.org |
Selig |
Taylor |
Union Elementary School |
Nurse |
seligt@fpsct.org |
Sendra |
Michael |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
sendram@fpsct.org |
Sene |
Olivier |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
seneo@fpsct.org |
Sepulveda Martinez |
Darlene |
Central Office |
Administrative Assistant |
sepulvedad@fpsct.org |
Serrano-Haynes |
Suli |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
serranos@fpsct.org |
Severns |
Erin |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
severnse@fpsct.org |
Shaughnessy |
Chelsea |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Teacher |
shaughnessyc@fpsct.org |
Shea |
Madison |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
sheamadison@fpsct.org |
Shea |
Timothy |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
Sheat@fpsct.org |
Sheldrick |
Catherine |
Central Office |
Account Sup I |
sheldrickc@fpsct.org |
Shepard-Bannish |
Wendy |
Central Office |
Director of Spec Service |
shepardbannishw@fpsct.org |
Shepardson |
Alexa |
East Farms Elementary School |
Teacher |
Shepardsona@fpsct.org |
Shomo |
Rebecca |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
SHOMOR@fpsct.org |
Shone |
Timothy |
Union Elementary School |
Security Monitor |
Sidoruk |
Lauren |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
sidorukl@fpsct.org |
Silver |
Shannon |
Farmington High School |
Para Special Education |
silvers@fpsct.org |
Simek |
Victoria |
West District Elementary School |
Teacher |
simekv@fpsct.org |
Simpson |
Angeline |
East Farms Elementary School |
Teacher |
SIMPSONA@fpsct.org |
Simpson |
Natalie |
Central Office |
Equity and Diversity Coordinator |
simpsonn@fpsct.org |
Sinisgalli |
Kristen |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Behavior Analyst |
weglarzk@fpsct.org |
Sirois-Riesbeck |
Suzan |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Monitors |
SiroisRiesbecks@fpsct.org |
Sitaro |
Lauren |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
sitarol@fpsct.org |
Slater |
Patricia |
West District Elementary School |
Teacher |
slaterp@fpsct.org |
Smith |
Andrae |
Farmington High School |
Para Special Education |
Smith |
Elizabeth |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
smithelizabeth@fpsct.org |
Smith |
Inga |
Union Elementary School |
Teacher |
smithi@fpsct.org |
Smith |
Lia |
West District Elementary School |
Teacher |
smithlia@fpsct.org |
Smith |
Mallorie |
East Farms Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
Smithm@fpsct.org |
Smith |
Richard |
Farmington High School |
Coach |
smithr@fpsct.org |
Somosky |
Sarah |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
lippincotts@fpsct.org |
Speranza |
Marilyn |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Teacher |
speranzam@fpsct.org |
Spinella |
Thomas |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
spinellat@fpsct.org |
St. Thomas |
Aimee |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
STTHOMASA@fpsct.org |
Stacy |
Nancy |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
STACYN@fpsct.org |
Stadler |
Janice |
Central Office |
Administrative Assistant |
Stefanow |
Walter |
Farmington High School |
Security Monitor |
STEFANOWW@fpsct.org |
Stein |
Heidi |
West District Elementary School |
Tutors |
Steinh@fpsct.org |
Steinman |
Samantha |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
Steinmans@fpsct.org |
Sterling |
Holly |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Para Special Education |
sterlingh@fpsct.org |
Stern |
Benjamin |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
STERNB@fpsct.org |
Stokoe |
Kelly |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
STOKOEK@fpsct.org |
Stoops |
Yvonne |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
stoopsy@fpsct.org |
Straughn |
Suzanne |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
Stroh |
Brian |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
strohb@fpsct.org |
Sullivan |
Catherine |
East Farms Elementary School |
Teacher |
SULLIVANC@fpsct.org |
Sumner |
Sara |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
Swanson |
Jill |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
schlenkerj@fpsct.org |
Swilley |
Barron |
East Farms Elementary School |
Cleaners |
Szafran |
Jessica |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Assistant Principal |
szafranj@fpsct.org |
Szekelyova-Mckinney |
Katarina |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
mckinneyk@fpsct.org |
Szykowny |
Melissa |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
Szymanski |
Anna |
East Farms Elementary School |
Teacher |
szymanskia@fpsct.org |
Szymanski |
Daniel |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Custodian |
szymanskid@fpsct.org |
Tamilarasu |
Kirthiga |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Para Regular Education |
tamilarasuk@fpsct.org |
Tampellini |
Justin |
Farmington High School |
Custodian |
tampellinij@fpsct.org |
Tang |
Huyen |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Custodian |
TANGH@fpsct.org |
Tang |
Jonathan |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Custodian |
tangj@fpsct.org |
Tanski |
Faith |
Farmington Valley Transition Academy |
Job Coach |
Tanskif@fpsct.org |
Tateishi |
Eriya |
East Farms Elementary School |
Teacher |
Tateishie@fpsct.org |
Tavolacci |
Lindsay |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
tavolaccil@fpsct.org |
Teare |
Kendall |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
tearek@fpsct.org |
Tedesco |
Cara |
Farmington High School |
Monitors |
tedescoc@fpsct.org |
Tencer |
Monica |
East Farms Elementary School |
Teacher |
TENCERM@fpsct.org |
Teravainen |
Jeffrey |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
teravainenj@fpsct.org |
Teri Savage |
Catharine |
Central Office |
Coor of Student Info |
TERISAVAGEC@fpsct.org |
Terra |
Lawrence |
East Farms Elementary School |
EXCL Staff |
terral@fpsct.org |
Teslik |
Dana |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
Teslikd@fpsct.org |
Tetro |
Chantal |
Farmington High School |
Custodian |
Tharpe |
Kerry |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
Thayer |
Melissa |
Farmington High School |
Clerk II |
thayerm@fpsct.org |
Therrien |
Vanessa |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
Thomas |
Gerald |
East Farms Elementary School |
Security Monitor |
Thomasg@fpsct.org |
Thompson |
Laura |
East Farms Elementary School |
Teacher |
thompsonl@fpsct.org |
Tiwari |
Anuja |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Para Regular Education |
tiwaria@fpsct.org |
Todd |
Christine |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
Todd |
Keith |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Custodian |
Toepfer |
Virginia |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
Tolles |
Jessica |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
TOLLESJ@fpsct.org |
Torres |
Ralph |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Security Monitor |
Torresr@fpsct.org |
Tracy |
Dana |
West District Elementary School |
Teacher |
tracyd@fpsct.org |
Troxell |
Patricia |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
TROXELLT@fpsct.org |
Trubia |
Kara |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
Turnbull |
Jennifer |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Para Regular Education |
Upchurch |
Brittni |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
Upchurchbrittni@fpsct.org |
Upchurch |
Bryan |
Farmington High School |
Monitors |
upchurchb@fpsct.org |
Vallario |
Cynthia |
Union Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
vallarioc@fpsct.org |
Valletta |
Maureen |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
vallettam@FPSCT.ORG |
Van Backer |
Natasha |
West District Elementary School |
Nurse |
Vanbackern@fpsct.org |
Van Buren |
Jocelyn |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Para Special Education |
Vanburenj@fpsct.org |
Van Valkenburgh |
Lana |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Clerk II |
VanvalkenBurghl@fpsct.org |
Vassar |
Angela |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
vassara@fpsct.org |
Vaughn |
Kelly |
East Farms Elementary School |
Teacher |
VAUGHNK@fpsct.org |
Vazquez |
Julio |
Farmington High School |
Para Special Education |
vazquezjulio@fpsct.org |
Vazquez |
Tara |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
VAZQUEZT@fpsct.org |
Vega |
Felix |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Custodian |
vegaf@fpsct.org |
Velardi |
Marguerite |
East Farms Elementary School |
Teacher |
velardim@fpsct.org |
Ventres |
Jeffrey |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
ventresj@fpsct.org |
Verrengia |
Loredana |
Farmington High School |
Job Coach |
Verrilli |
Lynne |
Union Elementary School |
Para Regular Education |
verrillil@fpsct.org |
Verrone |
Robin |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
JOBELESSR@fpsct.org |
Vibert |
Nicole |
East Farms Elementary School |
Principal |
vibertn@fpsct.org |
Vincenzo |
Taylor |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
Vinci |
Patricia |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Administrative Assistant |
vincip@fpsct.org |
Visone |
Kerry |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
visonek@fpsct.org |
Vlahakis |
Peter |
Farmington High School |
Coach |
vlahakisp@fpsct.org |
Wagner |
Jennifer |
Farmington High School |
Coach |
wagnerj@fpsct.org |
Wali |
Ibrahim |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
WaliI@fpsct.org |
Walker |
Seraphim |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
EXCL Staff |
Wallman |
Abigail |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Teacher |
Watras |
Kevin |
Farmington High School |
Custodian |
Watrask@fpsct.org |
Watson |
Oliver |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Custodian |
WATSONO@fpsct.org |
Weglarz |
Joyce |
West District Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
weglarzj@fpsct.org |
Weinstein |
Max |
Farmington High School |
Coach |
weinsteinm@fpsct.org |
Wessman |
Carrie |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Principal |
huberc@fpsct.org |
Wiegard |
Kathleen |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Tutors |
Wilde |
Emily |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Teacher |
Wildee@fpsct.org |
Wilder |
Kristen |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
wilderk@fpsct.org |
Williams |
Erica |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
williamse@fpsct.org |
Williams |
Maureen |
West District Elementary School |
Para Regular Education |
williamsm@fpsct.org |
Williams |
Remore |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
Williams |
Samuel |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
williamssamuel@fpsct.org |
Williams |
Sarah |
East Farms Elementary School |
Teacher |
Williamson |
Irene |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
williamsoni@fpsct.org |
Wilson |
Elizabeth |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
wilsone@fpsct.org |
Wiosna |
Martin |
Farmington High School |
Para Regular Education |
Wiosnam@fpsct.org |
Witter |
Julie |
West District Elementary School |
Teacher |
WITTERJ@fpsct.org |
Witter Jr |
Duane |
Farmington High School |
Coach |
WITTERD@fpsct.org |
Wolf |
Hailey |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
wolfh@fpsct.org |
Wolkoff |
Sarah |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
wolkoffs@fpsct.org |
Wondoloski |
Maureen |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
WONDOLOSKIM@fpsct.org |
Wong |
Jessica |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Clerk II |
Wood |
Jennifer |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
WOODJ@fpsct.org |
Worman |
Emily |
West District Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
wormane@fpsct.org |
Wright |
Joshua |
West District Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
Wrightjoshua@fpsct.org |
Wright McGurk |
Jessica |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
wrightj@fpsct.org |
Wynne |
Kimberly |
Central Office |
Assistant Superintendent |
WYNNEK@fpsct.org |
Xhindole |
Klodian |
Farmington High School |
Custodian |
XHINDOLEK@fpsct.org |
Yacone |
Linda |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
YACONEL@fpsct.org |
Yandow |
Christine |
East Farms Elementary School |
Teacher |
Yeilding |
Steven |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
Yeildings@fpsct.org |
Yep |
Jeffrey |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
yepj@fpsct.org |
Yevin |
James |
East Farms Elementary School |
Para Special Education |
yevinj@fpsct.org |
Yimoyines |
Julie |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
Youmell |
Jason |
Farmington Valley Transition Academy |
Job Coach |
Yule |
Hayley |
West Woods Upper Elementary School |
Teacher |
yuleh@fpsct.org |
Zafari |
Ahang |
Farmington High School |
Tutors |
Zeng |
Brendan |
Farmington High School |
Teacher |
Zengb@fpsct.org |
Zenobi |
Marie |
West District Elementary School |
Para Regular Education |
zenobim@fpsct.org |
Zerio |
Bryan |
Central Office |
EXCL Staff |
ZERIOB@fpsct.org |
Zittoun |
Daniel |
Central Office |
Assistant Superintendent |
Zittound@fpsct.org |
Zygiel |
Alexandra |
West District Elementary School |
Teacher |
zygiela@fpsct.org |
Zygiel |
Christina |
Noah Wallace Elementary School |
Teacher |
Zyjeski |
Karen |
Irving A. Robbins Middle School |
Teacher |
zyjeskik@fpsct.org |
Sanzaro |
Sebastian |
Central Office |
Coordinator of Technology |
sanzaros@fpsct.org |