East Farms- Night of Art & Culture

girl with henna art

The East Farms School Community celebrated diversity and artwork with a Night of Art & Culture event on Thursday, May 11th, after a two-year break. Students arrived and received a sticker that proclaimed, “I’m an Artist,” and Art teacher Andriana Donlon had the hallways filled with beautiful artwork from every student that they could show […]

Union School Math Night

parents with child at math night

Tuesday, May 2nd, Union School was buzzing with activity as Math Specialist Kevin Langstaff and Parent Engagement Facilitator Kristen Wilder hosted a Family Math Night. Approximately 80 families attended with over 120 total attendants. Families engaged in over 25 math activity stations in the cafeteria, gymnasium, and hallways. Each activity station was led by a […]

Art Leadership Award 2022-2023

Art Education Leadership award certificate

Nicole Bastiaanse-Fritch has received an award from Artsonia for her work as an art teacher, innovator, and leader. Artsonia is a wonderful online program that permits art teachers to create galleries of student work that families can see and have printed on various items. A portion of the sales is then shared with art teachers […]

WWUE 6th Grade Poster Contest Winners

student poster contest winners

During the months of February and March, sixth grade students in advanced math focused on two units: introduction to statistics and measures of central tendency. To kick off these units, teachers presented the long term learning targets, as well as the opportunity for students to apply their knowledge/skills to a contest offered by the CT […]

Union School Zoo Reading Night

student in front of zoo animal cutout

Union School was a wild place on Tuesday, March 28th as over 80 families showed up for the Union School Zoo! Kindergarten and Grade 1 families were invited to a special reading night where the entire first floor of the school was transformed into a zoo. Each room was a different zoo animal and students […]

Farmington Public Schools are delayed two hours due to inclement weather. No morning preschool. Farmington EXCL will open at its standard locations at 8 am.