School Registration
New Student School Registration
Parents/guardians are required to register students new to the Farmington Public School system. Our registration process is online and begins with a short online pre-registration form. Once complete and submitted, the registrant (parent/guardian) will receive an email with a link to complete additional registration information. All information must be completed/submitted to the school in order for your child to start school. Click on the appropriate link below to start the process.
Click here to begin Pre-registration for the CURRENT school year (2024-2025)
Click here to begin Pre-registration for Kindergarten for the NEW school year (2025-2026)
Click here to begin Pre-registration for grades PreK, 1-12 for the NEW school year (2025-2026)
SY 25-26 Enrollment Shifts
Use the Interactive Map to view the new school boundaries for school year 2025-2026
At the June 3, 2024 Farmington Board of Education meeting, the Board approved the recommendations from the Elementary Ad Hoc Committee- Scenario 3, Option 3 to alleviate overcrowding and smooth enrollment across all four of our elementary schools. You may view the presentation related to the approved option by clicking on the presentation link. If you would like more information on the Elementary Ad Hoc Committee, please click the link provided or view the Q&A . You can also use the interactive map to view the new school boundaries for school year 2025-2026