WWUE 6th Grade Poster Contest Winners

During the months of February and March, sixth grade students in advanced math focused on two units: introduction to statistics and measures of central tendency. To kick off these units, teachers presented the long term learning targets, as well as the opportunity for students to apply their knowledge/skills to a contest offered by the CT Chapter of the American Statistical Association.

For the contest, students were asked to:
* select a topic to investigate,
* gather and examine data from different points of views, and
* summarize the data and present their results graphically.

Students worked on their projects after each statistics lesson, during FLEX, and at home.

MANY students submitted entries, and…WWUE had4 winners for the grade 4-6 category! These students will be awarded certificates and monetary prizes this weekend at Yale, and their posters will also be entered into the ASA National Poster Competition.

student poster contest winners

Farmington Public Schools are delayed two hours due to inclement weather. No morning preschool. Farmington EXCL will open at its standard locations at 8 am.