Health Information

Physical Examination

Physical examinations are required prior to enrollment in Kindergarten and in grades 6 and 10. Transfer students will be asked to provide evidence of a physical examination having been completed prior to Kindergarten, or in grade 6 or 10 before being enrolled. Physical examinations shall include a minimum of hematocrit or hemoglobin, height, weight, blood pressure; and updating of immunizations, vision, hearing, speech and gross dental screening, health and developmental history as appropriate.


In compliance with the Connecticut State Law and regulations, the Farmington Board of Education requires a physician’s authorization for a nurse to administer prescription and non-prescription medication in school. Medication must be in a pharmacy prepared container, or the original container and brought to school by the parent/guardian. It must be labeled with the name of the child, the name of the drug, the strength, dosage, and frequency, along with the physician’s or dentist’s name.

The Authorization of Medication Consent form must be completed by the physician or dentist ordering the medicine and by the parent/guardian.

When a prescription is taken to the pharmacy and the medication is needed for school, please ask the pharmacist for a school container as well as a container for home. The pharmacist will supply a second container for administration of medicine in school.

Please remember that all medication must be brought to school by the parent/guardian and delivered only to the school nurse. It must be picked up in the same manner; otherwise, it will be discarded. Any medication received in a non-pharmaceutical container will not be administered.

Students in grades K-12 may self-administer and self-carry both asthmatic inhalers and prefilled automatic epinephrine injectors for diagnosed life threatening allergies with the proper paperwork provided by the parent and authorized prescriber to the school nurse. Parents shall be responsible for the administration of medication during non-school hours, or during the time student is out of the school building for an extended period of time.

General Information

Student accident insurance is offered to all students at the beginning of each school year. It can be 24-hour coverage or only school hour’s coverage and is paid for by the parent/guardian. Students who participate in Board of Education athletic programs have Interscholastic Sports insurance which is provided by the Board of Education. Our insurance company will consider for payment the unpaid balances of your insurance coverage for a specific injury-accident. Health records are kept on file 6 years past the year of high school graduation. Immunization dates are kept in the educational cumulative file which is kept for 50 years past graduation. You will be notified by the school if your child becomes ill while at school. Your telephone number and the number of a nearby neighbor who could be called in case of your absence must be provided on the Student Registration Form. Please keep phone numbers current. Any child complaining of illness or showing signs or symptoms of illness should remain at home. This will reduce the spread of disease. Please remember to call the school or send a note if your child is ill. If it is necessary for your child to be excused from gym classes or recess for a prolonged period of time, a doctor’s certificate is required.

For additional information please visit the the following websites:

As escolas públicas de Farmington estão atrasadas em duas horas devido ao mau tempo. Não há pré-escola matutina. A Farmington EXCL abrirá em seus locais padrão às 8 horas.