IAR Professional Development Led by CREC

The IAR leadership team, teachers, and staff participated in a professional development led by Gloria Mengual, CREC’s Diversity & Inclusion Resource Specialist, on how to effectively respond to Incidents of Bias. Our Equity & Inclusion Coordinator, Natalie Simpson, shared resources with teachers on using affirming and validating language to foster greater belonging and restoration in the learning community. During the session, teachers reviewed ways to respond to equity, inclusion, and diversity incidents, explored relevant case studies to explore best practices, and asked questions of presenter Gloria Mengual.  Gloria has done similar training at West Woods.

groups of teachers sitting on desks in school library

Farmington Schools are releasing early on 8/29 and 8/30

FHS: 12:08PM
IAR: 12:15PM
K-6 Students: 1:20PM