Farmington High School Drama Club- The Wizard of Oz

In March 2023, the Farmington High School Drama Club, Directed by Michael Gagnon and Produced by Kurt Daigle, put on three performances of L. Frank Baum’s The Wizard of Oz. The Wizard of Oz is a classic, imaginative musical which lives in the hearts and minds of millions who have found something resonant within its magical story. It is a tale of adventure, of enchantment, and of growth; a reminder that our real treasures are not found over the rainbow or at the end of a yellow brick road, but rather are the family and friends who care for us and make us stronger.

This production was made possible due to the collaborative effort of students from the FHS Theater, Music, Art, Applied Technology, and Audio/Visual Departments. 

wizard of oz logo

Farmington Public Schools are delayed two hours due to inclement weather. No morning preschool. Farmington EXCL will open at its standard locations at 8 am.