Student Data Privacy

Farmington Public Schools is committed to protecting the privacy of its community and utilizing technology that gives students an engaging and safe educational experience. Farmington Public Schools complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). For more details on FERPA, please visit the U.S. Department of Education’s FERPA webpage.
Farmington Public Schools collects and uses data from our students and teachers to inform instructional practice and improve the learning experience. In some cases, this data is not stored on our local servers. In all cases where data may be stored or accessible outside the district, that vendor must comply with FERPA regulations. Many of our vendors have already taken the Student Privacy Pledge.
Effective October 1, 2016, all new contracts must also comply with CT State law, CT PA16-189. This page will serve as an informational gateway for the Farmington Public Schools compliance with PA16-189.
A current list is available at the following link:
A sample agreement can be viewed at the following link:
On September 24, 2021, the District was informed by one of its contractors that a student record regarding a student in the District had inadvertently been disclosed to an attorney representing another student. The parents of that student were notified and the third party has confirmed that the student record that had been disclosed has been destroyed/deleted.
Student Technology Support Requests
or CALL: (860)673-8240
Important Information
Please note, Wednesdays 4-7PM are regular network maintenance.
Farmington Public Schools is committed to helping both our students and parents understand and be able to navigate the fast paced world of technology. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at
We have also created a website to help parents navigate and distill some of the important information that is out there.
FPS Technology in Our Community