Transition Services

What are Transition Services?

Farmington provides a wide range of services for our students with disabilities and is committed to educating all students who meet the criteria for eligibility according to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). 

Transition services are a coordinated, sequential set of activities for special education students.  Students who receive special education services have transition services included as part of their IEP when they turn 14. Public Act No. 23-137

From ages 14 on, IEP Transition Services include:

  • Postsecondary Education or Training
  • Employment 
  • Independent Living Skills (if appropriate)

What is Transition Planning?

Transition Planning prepares students receiving services under IDEA to build their post-school goals and successfully transition from secondary education to adult life. The Connecticut State Department of Education mandated the Connecticut Core Transition Skills Standards; these standards provide teachers, students, and families with a clear understanding of what a student should know and be able to achieve to the best of their ability. These skills are identified and addressed through the student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and reviewed, discussed, and modified as necessary at the annual Planning and Placement Team (PPT) meeting.

The following is a list of parent resources provided by the State of CT:

Department of Aging and Disability Services

Department of Aging and Disability Services provides many programs and services to maximize opportunities for the independence and well-being of people with disabilities and older adults in Connecticut.

Some specific programs that may be of benefit for your student are listed below.

Department of Developmental Services

Department of Developmental Services website

CT Integrated Supports

Autism Waiver

Questions? Please contact the Farmington High School Transition Coordinator, Kerry Tharpe 860-673-2514

Local Partners

Farmington Public Schools are delayed two hours due to inclement weather. No morning preschool. Farmington EXCL will open at its standard locations at 8 am.