Special Services

Wendy Shepard-Bannish
Director of Special Services

Melina Rodriguez
Supervisor of Special Services
The mission of the Department of Special Services is to ensure maximized opportunity for all students to achieve postsecondary goals that enable responsibility and contribution to an evolving world by promoting an inclusive continuum of services that provides accelerated, high quality instruction so all students have equal opportunity to achieve a high standard.
A variety of support services are available to Farmington students and families who need them. Service providers include Special Education Teachers, Psychologists, Social Workers, Nurses, Guidance Counselors, Speech Pathologists, Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist, Applied Behavior Analysts, Instructional Assistants, Administrative Assistants.
Parents play a crucial role as partners in the PPT and 504 process. Ongoing communication and collaboration between home and school are essential in establishing shared expectations for student achievement. By working together, we provide encouragement and support to help students reach their full potential.
Additionally, the department functions as the District’s Keeper of Records, McKinney Vento (Homeless) Liaison, student Title IX and residency coordination by collaborating with central office and building administrators, parents, the Town of Farmington Department of Social Services and various external agencies to expand resources available to families for the continuity of the above described provision of services. For more information about our services or to discuss your child’s specific needs, please contact our department directly 860-677-1791.

Janice Stadler
Administrative Assistant to Wendy Shepard-Bannish

Julia Park

Lauren Gootnick