Graduation Requirements & Standards

Requirements for Graduation for Students Graduating in 2021 and 2022

The total number of credits required for graduation is 22.

Credit Requirements:
You are required to earn 22 credits in order to graduate from Farmington High School. A course that meets five times a week for a full period receives one credit. Other courses will be a percentage of this, depending on the number of class meetings.

The credit totals listed below are for credits earned during high school. Credits earned at the middle school are included in the 22 credit requirements if they are beyond the state-mandated 20 credits that must be taken in high school.

Each student must complete specific courses, as well as electives, in order to graduate. The required credit distribution is listed below:

Department Minimum Credit
Additional Requirements
English 4 Credits

The literacy workshop course cannot count toward English credit, but can count towards the required total credits for graduation.

Mathematics 3 Credits

The math portfolio course cannot count toward Math credit, but can count towards the required total credits for graduation.

Physical Education/
Health and Wellness
2 Credits

Senior courses cannot substitute for 9th, 10th or 11th Grade Health or Physical Education classes

Science 3 Credits

3 credits of laboratory science, one of which must be biology.

Single semester science electives do not satisfy the science requirement.

The science portfolio course cannot count toward Science credit, but it counts toward the required total credits for graduation.

Social Studies/
3.5 Credits

0.5 credit required in Government and Law or Advanced Placement U.S. Government and Politics (fulfills state civics graduation requirement).

1.0 credit in US History is required.

or Fine Art
1 Credits

Students can choose from courses in the music, art and technology, and business departments.

World Languages

Passing the Farmington Language Standard Test (FLST) is required for graduation.

Performance Standards Requirements for the Classes of 2021 and 2022

Students must meet Performance Standards Requirements in the areas of literacy, science, math, and world languages at a level that either meets or exceeds our established standards. To achieve these standards, a FHS student must achieve at least one of the following in each category:

Methods for Meeting Standard

Meet standard on the College and Work Readiness Examination (CWRA+)

Meet or exceed the College Board’s College & Career Readiness Benchmark on the PSAT 11 (NMSQT)

Meet or exceed the College Board’s College & Career Readiness Benchmark on the evidence based reading and writing sections of the SAT

Meet or exceed the College Board’s College & Career Readiness Benchmark on the English, reading, or writing sections of the ACT

Meet standard on the American Literature Honors, American Studies Honors, the Advanced Placement English Literature or Advanced Placement English Language mid-course or end-of-course assessment

Score a 3 or higher on the Advanced Placement English Literature exam or the Advanced Placement English Language exam

If the graduation standard is not met prior to senior year, students will be required to meet standard through the development of a Literacy Portfolio.


Meet or exceed the College Board’s College & Career Readiness Benchmark on the math section of the PSAT 11 (NMSQT)

Meet or exceed the College Board’s College & Career Readiness Benchmark on the math section of the SAT

Meet or exceed the College Board’s College & Career Readiness Benchmark on the math section of the ACT

Meet standard on the end-of-course assessment in Algebra 2A CP/H and Algebra 2B CP/H

Meet standard on the end-of-course assessment in Precalculus or Precalculus H

Score a 3 or higher on the AP Statistics, AP Calculus AB, or AP Calculus BC College Board exam

Meet standard in math on the Accuplacer

If the graduation standard is not met prior to senior year, students will be required to meet standard through the Math Portfolio course


Meet standard on the NGSS State Science Assessment

Meet standard on the Farmington High School Assessment of Science Performance (FASP)

Score a 3 or higher on the Advanced Placement Biology exam or the Advanced Placement Chemistry exam or the Advanced Placement Physics exam or the Advanced Placement Environmental Science exam

If the graduation standard is not met prior to senior year, students will be required to meet standard through the Science Portfolio course

World Language

Meet standard on the Farmington Language Standards Test (FLST)

Graduation Requirements for the Class of 2023 and beyond

Students in the class of 2023 and beyond will need to meet the 25 credit graduation distribution requirements below and meet the performance standards articulated in the following pages in order to graduate from Farmington High School:

A. Graduation Requirements for the Class of 2023 and beyond
Credit Requirements:
Students are required to earn 25 credits in order to graduate from Farmington High School. Each student must complete specific courses, as well as electives, in order to graduate. The required graduation credits distribution is listed below:

Requirements: Courses:
Humanities (9.0 credits)
  • English (4.0)
  • Social Studies (3.5)
    – includes US History (1.0)
    – includes Government & Law or AP US Government &Politics (0.5)
    – includes Social Studies elective (2.0)
  • Fine Arts, Visual Arts, Music, or Theater (1.0)


  • Humanities elective (minimum additional 0.5)
    – includes courses in English (beyond the 4.0credits), Social Studies (beyond the 3.5 credits), Fine Arts/Visual Arts/ Music/Theater (beyond the 1.0 credit)
  • Math (3.0)
  • Science (3.0)
    – includes Life-Science based elective (1.0) and a Physical-Science based elective (1.0)
Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) (9.0 credits)
  • STEM Electives (3.0 credits beyond the 3 credit science and math requirements)
    – includes courses in New Media, Applied Arts, Technology, and Business
PE & Wellness (1.0)

Health & Safety Education (1.0)
  • PE & Wellness (1.0)
  • Health & Safety Education (1.0)
World Language (1.0 credit)
  • World Language (1.0)
  • Students must also demonstrate proficiency in WL by meeting standard on the FLST (Farmington Language Standards Test)
Vision of the Graduate Learning Experience (1.0 )
  • ASPIRE Exhibition of Learning (1.0)


  • Capstone – H Exhibition of Learning (1.0)
Electives (3.0)
  • Elective courses from any department beyond the requirements stated above (3.0)


B. Performance Standards Requirements for the class of 2023 and beyond:
In addition to meeting the coursework and credit graduation requirements, students in the class of 2023 and beyond must meet the performance standards requirements in literacy, mathematics, and science as described below.

Performance Standards for the class of 2023 and beyond

Literacy Performance Standard

Achieve a grade of C- or better in two full credit (1.0) FHS English courses
Achieve the College and Career Readiness Benchmark for the PSAT/NMSQT taken in the junior year
Achieve the College and Career Readiness Benchmark for the SAT
If the graduation standard is not met prior to senior year, then the standard can be met through a review of a portfolio of student work.

Mathematics Performance Standard

Achieve a grade of C- or better in courses totaling two credits of FHS math courses
Achieve the College and Career Readiness Benchmark for the PSAT/NMSQT taken in the junior year
Achieve the College and Career Readiness Benchmark for the SAT
If the graduation standard is not met prior to senior year, then the standard can be met through a review of a portfolio of student work.

Science Performance Standard

Achieve a grade of C- or better in two full credit (1.0) FHS Science courses
Meet standard on the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) State Exam taken in the junior year
If the graduation standard is not met prior to senior year, then the standard can be met through a review of a portfolio of student work.

Credit Load
Students in the classes of 2021 and 2022 are enrolled in a minimum of 6.0 credits each year. Students in the class of 2023 and beyond are enrolled in a minimum of 6.5 credits. (This includes Health, Physical Education and Wellness excludes work experience and/or Independent Study.)

Grade Placement and Promotion for the Class of 2021 and 2022

FHS credits required to advance from: Number of credits required:
Grade 9 to 10 5.0 credits
Grade 10 to 11 10.5 credits
Grade 11 to 12 15.5 credits

Grade Placement and Promotion for the Class of 2023 & beyond

FHS credits required to advance from: Number of credits required:
Grade 9 to 10 6.0 credits
Grade 10 to 11 12.5 credits
Grade 11 to 12 19.5 credits

Farmington Public Schools including Farmington Collaborative Preschool and Farmington Continuing Education are closed on Thursday February 6, 2025 due to inclement weather. EXCL will be open at the Noah Wallace location from 8am-5pm for students who have pre-enrolled in the 2024-2025 inclement weather program.