Arts Program

Kindergarten – Grade 4 Program
Students in Grades K-4 explore and create artwork using subject matter of architecture, design, landscape, portrait, still life, and symbol systems. They have many opportunities to explore a variety of materials while building and practicing skills and techniques, increasing in complexity in each grade. Art units integrate classroom themes in language arts, social studies, math, and science, and students develop an ability to transfer and apply knowledge from one situation to another, which results in deep authentic learning. Following the Arts Propel model of perception, production and reflection, students gain understanding and appreciation of the visual arts and their role in the world around them, across cultures and throughout history.
Grades 5-6 Program
The goal of the Visual Arts program at West Woods is to improve students’ artistic thinking skills with the development of their production, perception, reflection, and work habits in art. Art concepts are taught using one of the “big ideas” of architecture, cultural symbol systems, design, landscapes, portraiture, and still life. Student work is assessed using the collection of all their work produced during each unit. These are stored in their portfolios which are brought home at the end of the year. Student art is showcased periodically throughout the year with in-school displays, shows at the Town Hall, various town-wide shows, State-wide art shows, and a Spring Art Show at West Woods with at least one piece of art for each student. Students’ artistic experiences are extended through programs such as Art Studio 53 and 54, Family Art Nights, bi-annual visiting programs, and curriculum connections.
Grades 7-8 Program
The 7th grade art program builds upon the elements and principles of design, the foundation for creating, understanding and communicating about art. Students continue to develop and refine their skills in a variety of 2D media. The experiences from 7th grade lead to more sophisticated challenges in the 8th grade program. Students will make informed decisions as to their area of focus, choosing between creating ceramic vessel design and construction or self-portraits and figurative sculptures. Throughout the 28 day rotations, students are involved in discussions about artwork by artists from different genres and cultures, highlighting the purpose and expressive qualities behind the work.
High School Program
In the Fine and Applied Arts, students fuse problem-solving and critical thinking, to develop creativity and innovation. Planning designs that are revised and reflected upon throughout the process, leads to the creation of orginal work. Students analyze the artwork of master artists, as well as their own work and that of their peers. They communicate and collaboration to determine strengths, weaknesses and next steps in the design process. Students develop 21st century skills that enable them to address real-life problems, building resourceful and self-directed habits of mind. Awareness of cultural and historical influences on art and arts impact on mankind are also essential components of our program. All of these learning experiences sharpen and challenge the cognitive skills of analysis, synthesis, application and evaluation.