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Noah Wallace Elementary School, Farmington, CT

West District

We Are...

Farmington Global Citizens a Community Empowered Kind Grateful the Future Open-Minded Adaptable Persistent Reflective Innovators Caring Confident Contributors Curious Resourceful Responsible Resilient Empathetic Exceptional Warmhearted Welcoming

West District Elementary School

West District is a neighborhood school serving students in kindergarten through fourth grade. We are a Nationally Recognized Blue Ribbon School surrounded by fields and beautiful forest space. At West District, our students, faculty, staff, and families work together to support our students in finding personal and academic success. Our students are talented, hard-working, and eager to use their skills and talents to make the world a better place. 

Principal Carolyn Fink
Principal Carolyn Fink

Trường Công Farmington bị trì hoãn hai giờ do thời tiết khắc nghiệt. Không có trường mầm non buổi sáng. Farmington EXCL mở cửa tại địa điểm và thời gian tiêu chuẩn.