
Global Citizens

The Farmington Public Schools believe that all students are capable of acquiring the knowledge, skills and dispositions needed for productive, ethical and responsible citizenship in an evolving world community.


Global Citizens

The Farmington Public Schools believe that all students are capable of acquiring the knowledge, skills and dispositions needed for productive, ethical and responsible citizenship in an evolving world community.

6월에 은퇴하는 그리더 교육감

유치원 사전 등록 오픈(25/26)

학교 대항 육상 파워포인트 – 2024년 가을 시즌

The mission of the
Farmington Public Schools

is to enable all students to achieve academic and personal excellence, exhibit
persistent effort and live as resourceful, inquiring and contributing global citizens
aligned to our Vision of the Global Citizen.

Equity Matters

We believe that equitable opportunity is a fundamental value of a high-quality
education, and that diversity is an asset to our school community.

Teamwork Matters

We believe that equitable opportunity is a fundamental value of a high-quality
education, and that diversity is an asset to our school community.

Our Core Beliefs

As members of this learning organization, we hold ourselves accountable to these beliefs which guide our daily work. These beliefs frame our goals, program development, and support systems. These beliefs focus instruction, curriculum, and assessment to ensure that all students achieve at high levels. Farmington communicates its rigorous expectations through its programs and core content standards.

파밍턴 공립학교는 악천후로 인해 2시간 지연됩니다. 아침 프리스쿨이 없습니다. 파밍턴 EXCL은 오전 8시에 표준 위치에서 개장합니다.